Driving to the temple Friday, December 21, I read aloud several articles from the December Ensign. I loved several of the stories, but one really hit home. It was
"My Christmas Letter".
I decided then to write my own grateful list.
I am thankful that I was sent to my family with the perfect mom and dad and siblings for me.
I am thankful that I had many wonderful examples in my life including grandmas and grandpas, aunts, uncles and cousins (three of whom were extremely influential Sara, Marilee, and Angel).
I am thankful that I was blessed with Shannon in my life.
I am thankful that the Wallaces moved to the other side of town into our ward.
I am thankful that Mike and I found one another and were sealed for time and all eternity.
I am thankful that we were blessed with 4 beautiful children.
I am thankful that we lived close to family for the first 12 or so years of our marriage.
I am thankful that my children have two sets of loving grandparents and many wonderful aunts and uncles.
I am thankful that Taysom was able meet her namesake Grandma Erma.
I am thankful that all of my children were able to know Grandma Mary and Grandpa Wendell.
I am thankful that I was able to be a stay at home mom for 8 years.
I am thankful I could make the kids breakfast and take them to school and be home at the end of the day and try to make dinner.
I am thankful that I could take Taysom and Tucker jogging/walking.
I am thankful that I could take Ilah and Henry to watch the planes and eat McDonalds ice cream cones.
I am thankful that I could teach Taysom and Tucker piano.
I am thankful that I could volunteer in their classrooms and be at school for special performances or awards.
I am thankful that I could keep the house clean...mostly.
I am thankful that I didn't have to use a day care service.
I am thankful that I had the energy to help them with homework and projects when they needed it.
I am thankful that I could serve in time consuming callings because I had some flexibility during the day.
I am thankful that I was able to associate with people like the Edgels, Bennions, Mechams, Warburtons x 2, Lundbergs, Ellsworths, Lundquists, Beans, Thalmans, Fonbuenas, McNallys, Andersons, Herdts, Mays, Moodys, Lytles, Brodericks, Egglestons.
I am thankful that we lived so close to the temple and we could go regularly.
I am thankful that our move ended up being a good thing for our children - that they have had opportunities to try their hand at band, football, basketball, debate, show choir, plays, math competitions, etc. and to make good friends.
I am thankful that they have had many experiences to be good examples of Jesus Christ.
I am thankful that Mike loves his job.
I am thankful that Mike still loves me and understands me.
I am thankful that we now have the Kansas City Temple.
I am thankful that I get to associate with people like the Belnaps and Tuckers who are like family out here in MO.
I am thankful that Taysom and Tucker had the opportunity to stay with Ben and Becca and get to know them more personally.
I am thankful that Taysom lived so close to Rachel and Richie and was able to get to know them more personally.
I am thankful that Taysom completed the personal progress program and that it transformed her.
I am thankful that Tucker has earned his Eagle and did it all on his own.
I am thankful that Taysom has decided to serve a mission and is prepared to do so.
I am thankful that Tucker truly enjoys serving others and can't wait to serve a mission.
I am thankful that Ilah "shares" her room with Henry and Taysom - slumber party every night.
I am thankful that Henry is able to walk home from school on his own and come home to an empty house -
even though I hate it.
I am thankful that all of the kids are very able and self motivated to get homework and projects done on their own - mostly without any help from their tired mom.
I am thankful that Ilah is at the same school Mike and I teach at.
I am thankful that we have Molly.
I am thankful that we have cars to get us to work and church.
I am thankful that we are basically healthy.
I am thankful that I was able to serve in Young Womens while Taysom and Ilah were there.
I am thankful that I get to be Tucker's Sunday School teacher.
I am thankful that our needs are met.
I am thankful for a loving Heavenly Father who knows me and knows what I need and gives me experiences to help me in my pursuit to become more like him.
I am so thankful for repentance and for a new day, a new year.