Saturday, May 19, 2012


 A few weeks ago, East Middle School performed the Disney Kids' version of the musical Cinderella.

Ilah originally tried out for the parts of Cinderella and the Fairy Godmother because they had solos.  In the course of the tryouts, however, she started leaning toward the step sisters' roles, and luckily her drama teacher saw some snottiness and clumbsiness in Ilah (she IS a great actress) and cast her for the role of Drizella.  Character roles are so much more fun!

Honestly, I was a bit worried... East didn't have as rigid of a rehearsing schedule as North did.  Ilah even participated in track, missing several rehearsals.  East's facilities are limited as the school is in a warehouse.  The cast couldn't practice on an actual stage until the day of their first performance.  They were bussed over to South Middle School and practiced all day working on the sound, lights, stage directions, etc.  When Mike, Henry and I went to watch the performance, I wasn't expecting a polished performance.  I was also concerned because if you know Ilah, you have probably had to ask her to repeat something she has said several times.  She is a low talker.  On stage, however, that certainly wasn't a problem.  As a parent it is so rewarding to watch your children find hidden talents.  She was fabulous!!! (Trust me, this deserves three exclamation points.)  Her physical humor was spot on; I could hear clearly ever word; not once was she out of character.  Ilah and Amy (Anastasia) got all of the laughs.  Even though Cinderella had a phenomenal voice, and the Fairy Godmother was picture perfect, the play would have been a bore without the antics of the step sisters.

Does this dress look familiar Rachel?
(in character... notice the attitude!)

pictures before the play

Ilah and Amy (Anastasia)

Ilah and Kaitlyn (step mother)

(step mother with daughters)

part of the cast

a bit more of the cast

 Megan Belnap, one of our Young Women, was part of the BUM crew.
Doesn't she have a great smile!?
Casey Stewart, one of our Young Men, played Gus and sang a beautiful solo. 

Sure wish everyone could have been here to see it.


Rachel said...

That was my very favorite prom dress! I'm glad it's being passed on to worthy wearers. :) I still have my wedding dress, waiting to be passed on. No rush or anything! I'm proud of Ilah for being so brave! I'm sure she was wonderful!

Megs said...

Every time you post about the kids' theater exploits I sorely wish I could be there! I miss school productions (we don't have them here), and I would so love to see my amazing niece and nephew in action! Great job Ilah!

Frances Wallace said...

Ilah is way too pretty to be a wicked sister. I'm sure that's where her talent came in, convincing the audience that she could be anything but adorable!

Grandma and Grandpa Crosby said...

Ilah's always had a little bit of dramatic flare. It would have been wonderful to see her really drawing on that strength and talent. Way to go Ilah! So proud of you! AND you look great in Rachel's prom dress!

Taysom Wallace said...

I agree with Grandma Wallace! I can't believe the prince didn't choose you :) You are so awesome! I am extremely proud of you. I love you Sweetheart! :)
your big sis